Frequently Asked Questions: Ingredients

Yes, all of our pastas are refined. Note: Refined means free of impurities. Still have a question? Contact us!
We use conventionally grown wheat to make most varieties of Mrs. Weiss'® noodles. U.S. wheat farmers use U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved pesticides to protect wheat crops from pests. In applying pesticides, by law, farmers must adhere to the EPA-approved pesticide label for strict instructions on use. Still have a question? Contact us!
We buy it milled already. We have contracts with millers who in most cases are located right beside our plant. They feed the flour directly to our plants. Still have a question? Contact us!
Many TreeHouse Foods products are Non-GMO Project Verified. Look for the Non-GMO Project Verification Seal on the package. As of February 18, 2015 there is no genetically modified wheat commercially grown in the United States*.

*Source: United States Department of Agriculture. Still have a question? Contact us!
Soluble fiber is found in significant amounts in virtually all fruits and vegetables. Insoluble fiber is found mainly in whole wheat products, bran, and fibrous vegetables like carrots. Still have a question? Contact us!
